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Case studies – IBS

Case Study (1)

Having not been well for most of my adult life I stumbled across your
website and thank goodness I did!

If I had to list my symptoms I wouldn’t know where to start but
debilitating diarrhoea, constant pain under my left rib and chronic
fatigue being the most difficult to cope with, I had no quality of life
and felt I had no option but to give up the best job I had ever had! My
worse fear was to have to ‘retire’ at the age of 46 but I felt 96 and just
couldn’t struggle any longer.

During the last 20 years I had tried every route: the GP, various
specialists, allergy tests, elimination diets and a variety of alternative
therapies but without lasting results.

From my first appointment with you I knew I was finally on the right road.
Whereas doctors only treated the symptoms, you seemed to see the whole

Tests revealed that I was allergic to milk protein and I also had the
parasitic infection ‘Blastocystis Hominis’ as well as Candida.

I followed the diet and supplement regime you set out and even though
initially found it quite difficult, stuck with it and now feel like a
different person. I remember, at our first meeting, telling you that I
wanted to be able to ‘live and work’ not ‘just work’ and also that I
wanted to lose the extra weight I had been struggling with for years.

I now have as much energy as when I was in my twenties, haven’t any
stomach problems and, as a bonus, have lost over a stone in weight!

Thank you so much.


Case Study (2)

Ms H, a 33 year old female, tells her story:

I first began to experience serious health issues in 2007. I had given up smoking in January 2007 after 15 years and within 8 weeks I began to experience severe bloating and constipation which progressed to include symptoms of nausea.

At the same time I noticed that the face in the mirror staring back at me had changed as my cheeks had started to look swollen. I then also began to realise that I were experiencing problems with certain foods. I initially gave up coffee and tea and then realised that I also had trouble with meat, dairy, bread and in particular, sugar. It took 6 months to identify what I could and couldn’t eat. By this point I had started to become very weak, very irritable, my eyes appeared red and I also suffered from blurred vision and was constantly waking at either 02:00 or 04:00 each morning. I couldn’t understand what was causing this. I felt that I was being woken up during the early hours of the morning by my stomach, and so would go to the kitchen and grab anything that I could find to eat in order for me to fall back to sleep again.

For me, the extreme fatigue was what began to prove the most debilitating of the symptoms. Around this time I was trying hard to identify all the different symptoms that I was experiencing and I felt that I had something growing in my stomach. My GP diagnosed Helicobactor Pylori for which I was given a course of antibiotics. My gastroenterologist suggested that I have an endoscopy to ensure that the infection had gone. The results concluded that the infection had gone, however, I continued to suffer all the previous symptoms which left me bewildered. The gastroenterologist confirmed that they had also analysed the small intestine during the endoscopy and that there was no further cause for concern.

I was left to deal with the continuing symptoms and ill health alone. At this point I had lost 2 jobs due to the unpredictable nature of the symptoms.

Through my own research I had diagnosed myself to suffering from Candida. I followed a program during the summer of 2009 set out by a fellow suffer. It was during administering treatment for parasite cleansing that I first began to notice some relief. For the first time in 3 years I felt that I was beginning to gain control again. At this stage I was able to eat some offending foods in moderation, however, the symptoms had not disappeared, they had just become less prominent.

In January 2010 I decided to get some help as I was continuing to struggle by dealing with this alone. I consulted Wilma Kirsten and undertook both a food intolerance test and comprehensive stool analysis. The test confirmed that I had yeast overgrowth and that I also had a high level of a parasite called Blastocystis Hominis. I began treatment as advised by Wilma and I was amazed at the immediate improvements. My eyesight began to improve, as did the insomnia, cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, mental fogginess, shortness of breath and hair loss.

I was relieved to finally have found help with my health issues.

After 2 months of treatment the symptoms have nearly disappeared. The depression and anxiety caused by the illness have lifted and I am now back to having sensations of positivity and able to connect with others, strike up new friendships and generally feel connected with life again.

This illness has been very subtle in its approach that at times it has left me doubting myself and the symptoms that I was experiencing. At times it has rendered me feeling insane, hopeless and suicidal with continuous mood swings which have now gone.

I’m now looking forward to rebuilding my life.

Thank you Wilma Kirsten!

For any queries or to make an appointment please contact me direct on

+44 (0) 787 608 4829